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RJMetrics Picks Philadelphia

RJMetrics, which helps online retailers analyze data, started in Greater Philadelphia because costs were lower than New York or Silicon Valley, where most of its competitors are based.

By Melanie Hill on January 29, 2014

Robert Moore, CEO and co-founder of RJMetrics, grew up 20 minutes outside of Philadelphia, graduated from Princeton and worked at a venture capital firm in Manhattan. But he moved home to launch his own company. Here’s why.

How does the location affect your bottom line?

Most of the companies that do what we do are based out of Silicon Valley. Their rent is at least double, and their fixed costs are higher. We benefit from all these efficiencies and can be competitive.

Where do you find the talent RJMetrics needs?

Most of our hires are local. There is a huge amount of talent coming out of universities – a lot of excited college grads wanting to work for an early-stage company. We have been able to leverage that. Of our roughly 40 team members, five were hired from outside the region.

Is Greater Philadelphia a tough sell for job candidates?

Candidates from outside the area are very pleasantly surprised by the mix of big-city resources and small-city accessibility. Once people spend time here, it is a non-issue. The city resonates really well with our team, and most people have fallen in love with Philadelphia.

How do you keep employees in this competitive market for tech talent?

We work hard at creating a great culture and making sure people we hire are a good fit. We emphasize employee health, and everyone has a desk that allows them to work standing or sitting. We want our people to work hard but also have fun. The conference room table is a ping-pong table; we have a foosball table, a dartboard and a nap room. And two local beers on tap in the refrigerator.

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