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Why Philadelphia is Perfect for the Democratic National Convention

The City of Brotherly Love has been Good for Dems

By Livability.com on February 12, 2015

New Philadelphia borough / Photo by B. Krist for Visit Philadelphia™
Philadelphia will host the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

The 2016 Democratic National Convention will be held in Philadelphia, PA, a city that typically learns to the left of the political spectrum and one with a deep current of political history and patriotism. The Democratic National Committee announced Thursday that the convention will be held the week of July 25, 2016 in the “City of Brotherly Love.” The two other finalists were Brooklyn, NY and Columbus, OH. The Republicans will hold their convention in Cleveland, OH the week of July 18. 

More than 2,770 delegates will convene in Philadelphia during convention week, which culminates with the official introduction to the Democratic nominee for president. Beyond the delegates, thousands more will come to the city to celebrate, protest and play a part in the political process. Philadelphia is the perfect place for the Democrats to hold their convention. Here’s a look at why that’s so. 

City Provides a Patriotic Back Drop 

Philadelphia holds some of the most iconic and historical sites in our nation’s history. The city played a pivotal role during the American Revolution, serving as a meeting place for the founding fathers, who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the Constitution in 1787. Philadelphia once served as the nation’s capital and has a long history of being a melting pot of the country. It includes such historic sites as the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, the Betsy Ross House, Elfreth’s Alley, the nation’s oldest continuously inhabited street.

Democrats Find Strong Support

Philadelphia voters lean heavily to the left. In 1972, Richard Nixon won the popular vote in every Pennsylvania county except Philadelphia, where George McGovern had 55.1 percent of the vote. More than 85 percent of voters in Philadelphia cast ballots for Obama in 2012, while 83 percent voted for him in 2008. 

Pennsylvania has legally recognized same-sex marriage since May, but Philadelphia has a large and active gay and lesbian population. The city also has a strong minority base, which typically backs Democratic candidates. More than 43 percent of residents here are African American while 12 percent are Hispanic.

The City of Brotherly Luck?

Could Philly be a lucky city? Well, just look at how things have played out in the past. Twice, Democratic candidates went on to win the presidency after the convention was held in Philly. Those winners were Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936 and Harry S. Truman in 1948. George W. Bush went on to defeat Al Gore in 2000, when Philadelphia held the Republican National Convention. Republican’s have held their convention in Philly a total of six times and the candidates nominated to run for president at those meetings went on to win three times.

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