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Why I Started a Business in Williston (and You Can, Too!)

Resident shares the ins and outs of owning a successful business in Williston, ND.

By Lindsey Hyde on September 15, 2023

Louise Skaare owns Young Bucks Coffee & Eatery in Williston, ND
Erin Vournas Photography

Situated in the northwest corner of North Dakota, Williston is a city thrumming with activity. The oil boom caused its population to more than double between 2010 and 2020, and since then, it hasn’t looked back. The community continues to blossom with new people, activities, housing and opportunities. In short, it’s a great time to launch a business in Williston.

Louise Skaare started a café inside Life Church called Young Bucks Coffee & Eatery in 2021. Originally from Philadelphia, Skaare moved to Williston in 2014 after meeting her husband, who is a local farmer. Livability chatted with Skaare about the benefits of owning a business in Williston.

What about Williston made it an attractive place to open a business? 
It’s a small town, and word of mouth travels quickly. That’s almost one of the best things (as far as promotion) for small businesses. And the connection of the community – that first year we were open, so many people were just coming out and supporting us. We were completely carried through by the people who live here. I feel really supported by the community, and I think that would be a lot harder to find in a larger city. 

What local resources did you take advantage of when you started the business? 
I took advantage of the Mini-Match Program through Williston Economic Development, and that was the best fit for me based on the cost that we put into the business. (Mini-Match provides a 2-to-1 match of up to $5,000 for new businesses in their first year.) When we get a little more established, and if we decide that it’s right to make a leap, I know there are other opportunities available, and I think that’s a really big incentive for starting a business. 

How has your business grown since you started? 
In numbers, we’ve actually doubled our sales. I just didn’t even have that expectation at all. That also means we’ve doubled our expenses, so it doesn’t mean pure profit. When we started, it was me and one other girl, and we had shorter hours. We worked from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. six days a week. Now, we are up to five people, and we’ve extended our hours. We are open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. six days a week. 

What’s one piece of advice you would give other entrepreneurs trying to open a business? 
It’s a marathon, not a sprint. I think I tried to burn myself out so fast when I opened. I knew I needed one day off a week; I knew I needed shorter hours. If you are able, you get into business for yourself and your family, and (it’s important to) keep that in the forefront. 

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